What is the “7 Arrows” Bible study method?

I hope that the podcast & info below is helpful in learning how to use the 7 Arrows questions. This Bible study method has certainly been helpful to me & my family.

Ed Earnest

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  1. What does this passage say? [explainer video for arrow 1]
  2. What does this passage mean to its original audience? [explainer video for arrow 2]
  3. What does this passage tell us about God? [explainer video for arrow 3]
  4. What does this passage tell us about man? [explainer video for arrow 4]
  5. What does this passage demand of me? [explainer video for arrow 5]
  6. How does this passage change the way I relate to people? [explainer video for arrow 6]
  7. How does this passage prompt me to pray? [explainer video for arrow 7]


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Here is my CSB Notetaking Bible and Pigma Micron 005 pen (on the left). I like to use a scrap piece of paper to get my 7 Arrows answers together before copying them to my Bible.