Parents, the best way to stay informed about Children’s Ministry at East B’ville is to text the word “KIDS” to (662) 445-3787 & Ms. Nancy will keep you up to date. You can also join our Facebook or Instagram group to see highlights (search for ebbc_kids).
Here are some weekly opportunities for children at East B’ville:
- Connection Groups meet each each Sunday morning at 9:30. These classes are age graded and are an excellent way to learn more about God’s Word together. You can see our current listings of Connection Groups here or just ask the person sitting behind the Connection Point desk as soon as you walk through the front door. They would be glad to help you get your child checked in and to the right room.
- Kids LOVE MsNancy’s Sermon Notes sheets that can be used for each 10:30am worship service. Kids pick up a clipboard at the beginning of the service and follow along. You’d be amazed at how much kids get out of these messages! As a bonus, each week MsNancy pics one prize winner. Nice!
- Right now kids are meeting each Sunday evening for Bible Drills- an opportunity to learn the importance of God’s Word and how to get around in it.
- WEDNESDAY NIGHTS: 6pm Nursery opens, 6:15 HyFy for preschool – 4th grade, Forged for 5th & 6th Grade.
Kid Check
KidCheck is our check-in system for our children and preschool ministries. This is an easy and efficient system that will speed up our check in process and add extra security for our children. Parents, go to and create their free account. This is a simple process and takes just a few minutes to complete. If you need help in creating your account here are some helpful links.
Be sure to include any allergies your child has. Allergy information will be printed on your child’s label so that teachers can easily identify which children in their class have any type of allergies. Creating your account ahead of time will speed up the process upon arrival. Once your account is completed you will be able to check in to our system using your ten digit phone number or your assigned key tag.
Another feature of KidCheck is express check-in. Once you have checked into our system the first time you will be able to check in using the KidCheck mobile app. To use express check-in simply begin the check in process from your smartphone. Once you arrive at church hit submit and your labels will be printed and waiting for you when you arrive at the check in station.