Disaster Relief

East Booneville Baptist Church is a part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC for short).  The SBC is a collection of Baptist churches that corporate together for some really great ministries like sending out missionaries all around the world, planting churches right here in North America, and disaster relief– among others.  A portion of our tithes and offerings go to this Cooperative Program. 

In 2017 our Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Agency served over 3 million meals in disaster recovery areas.  We provided 70,000 showers, cleaned 32,000 loads of laundry, and provided over 1 million hours of work from volunteers for mud out & clean-up of damaged homes.  In the middle of those relief services the Gospel was presented over 4,200 times resulting in over 800 people coming to Christ for the first time.

Pray for those volunteers serving now and those who will soon be serving. When you give, know you are directly supporting state Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams who are being the hands and feet of Jesus to hurting people.  And if you would like to give something extra directly to Southern Baptist Disaster Relief we have provided a link that will help you do that.

Give directly to SBC Disaster Relief.

Click here to give directly to SBC Disaster Relief in a particular state or  region.