Sep. 1, 2019 “7 Arrows” notes…

For more information about the "7 Arrows" Bible study method, click here. Notes listed below are from Ed Earnest as an encouragement.  You prayerfully & carefully study the passage & see what God shows you.

READ John 1:1-18 and answer these questions (reviewed at Connection Groups on September 1, 2019).

  1. WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE SAY? Jesus is the ultimate way God revealed himself to mankind.
  2. WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE MEAN TO ITS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? Jesus is the point (the Logos) of all things and has been before anything was created.
  3. WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT GOD? Jesus is God! Always has been. Everything that is created was created by Jesus. Everything that will be rescued will be rescued by Jesus.
  4. WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT MAN? For the most part, men didn’t recognize the great rescuer Jesus. Still, Jesus did what he needed to do to save us.
  5. WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE DEMAND OF ME? I need to recognize Jesus is not part of my plans. Rather, I am part of Jesus’ plan.
  6. HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE CHANGE THE WAY I RELATE TO PEOPLE? Many people have not recognized who Jesus truly is. I need to point them to the “real Jesus” every chance I get.
  7. HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE PROMPT ME TO PRAY? Lord Jesus, help me to live out what I know to be true.  You are God revealed.  Help me reveal you to others.