For more information about the "7 Arrows" Bible study method, click here. Notes listed below are from Ed Earnest as an encouragement. You prayerfully & carefully study the passage & see what God shows you.
READ John chapter 6:1-21 and answer these questions (reviewed at Connection Groups on October 27, 2019).
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE SAY? Jesus performs a miracle that thousands of people see first hand. This is no ordinary teacher!
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE MEAN TO ITS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? The magnitude of the people fed from one “sack lunch” is mind boggling. And then Jesus walked across the sea? Amazing!
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT GOD? God increases the faith of his followers by proving, without a doubt, that he is indeed God. Jesus helps us connect the dots between the physical and the spiritual.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT MAN? Everyone gets hungry. Jesus always has plenty and is willing to share.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE DEMAND OF ME? When Jesus has a mission he will accomplish it. What an honor that we (his followers) get front row seats to see what does next!
- HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE CHANGE THE WAY I RELATE TO PEOPLE? Sometimes people really do need a God-sized sign.
- HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE PROMPT ME TO PRAY? Jesus, the laws of this world kneel down before you. Even nature obeys your will. Enable my own heart to submit to you.