cgroup Leader

Thanks for a great conversation!

Here are some abbreviated plans of action after the conversation with adult Connection Group leaders on February 16. Our goal for implementing these is by Sunday, March 2.
  • Bro. Rickey is getting notebooks for prayer requests.
  • Amy is going to get out some cards to groups that need them.  Its up to individual classes to address, postage, & mail (more efficient).
  • Ed will design a guide (probably a 1 page folded booklet) Connection Group Guide with pics of leaders, class location, and phone/text number of leaders (but only if he gets their permission).  There will be encouragement for folks to “feel free to call or text one of these leaders if you would like to know more about this group”. 
  • A few more cGroup promotional items will be underway…
    • A 1 page guide to help Greeters & Connection Point workers know what to do.  This can be basic reminders, encouragement, and “thank you for what you do in this important job” but also the importance of point people to Connection Groups. 
    • A digital sign version of the Connection Group Guide for the foyer/Connection Point TV. This will highlight each adult cGroup with pictures, location, & such.
    • Each week we will try to highlight a different Connection Group- pics & brief video interviews- to keep constantly keep cGroups in front of people. As these video spots are put together they can run on social media as well.
    • Web page / search engine update.