For more information about the "7 Arrows" Bible study method, click here. Notes listed below are from Ed Earnest as an encouragement. You prayerfully & carefully study the passage & see what God shows you.
READ John chapter 7 and answer these questions (reviewed at Connection Groups on November 10, 2019).
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE SAY? People were very divided about who Jesus was.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE MEAN TO ITS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? Jesus is even more clearly making claims about being the Messiah. The original Jewish audience would have fully understood the circumcision vs healing on the Sabbath comparison as well as the Isaiah-esque quote about “living water”.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT GOD? People have always been split on the question of “who is Jesus?”
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT MAN? Some people will not believe in Jesus regardless of the proof.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE DEMAND OF ME? “Streams of living water”, the Spirit-led life, is my new normal/nature.
- HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE CHANGE THE WAY I RELATE TO PEOPLE? It seems that as more connections were made between Jesus’ miracles & prophecies of the Messiah, the more people believed. I would do well to point out these things like that myself.
- HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE PROMPT ME TO PRAY? Jesus, may I find my satisfaction from drinking from your hand. Help me be persistent and patient with unbelievers who may not even realize they are thirsty.