For more information about the "7 Arrows" Bible study method, click here. Notes listed below are from Ed Earnest as an encouragement. You prayerfully & carefully study the passage & see what God shows you.
READ John chapter 8 and answer these questions (reviewed at Connection Groups on November 24, 2019).
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE SAY? Jesus healed a blind man on the Sabbath and the spiritually blind Pharisees became more resolute in their hatred of Jesus.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE MEAN TO ITS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? Jesus totally bucked the ancient assumption that a physical ailment like blindness was somehow related to rebellion to God. Ironically, the Pharisees rebelled against God by rejecting Jesus as Messiah- spiritual blindness.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT GOD? Jesus meets people where they are, meets needs, reveals deeper truth about himself, and invites the person to believe in & follow him.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT MAN? Some people being ministered to by Jesus don’t yet know who he is. Some people actively rejecting Jesus don’t yet know who he is.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE DEMAND OF ME? My spiritual eyes have been opened. I need to keep them on Jesus.
- HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE CHANGE THE WAY I RELATE TO PEOPLE? In v.1-3 Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, took his shot- answering a question asked of him in a big way. I need to be Spirit-led like this.
- HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE PROMPT ME TO PRAY? Father, thank you for your indwelling Holy Spirit. Help me to submit to what you desire play by play for your glory.