For more information about the "7 Arrows" Bible study method, click here. Notes listed below are from Ed Earnest as an encouragement. You prayerfully & carefully study the passage & see what God shows you.
READ John 5:43-54 and answer these questions (reviewed at Connection Groups on October 13, 2019).
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE SAY? Once again Jesus show mercy to an unlikely person.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE MEAN TO ITS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? John’s primarily Jewish audience is highly surprised (again) at who Jesus ministers to- this time an official of the [hated] Roman government.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT GOD? Jesus is for everyone who will believe.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE TELL US ABOUT MAN? Sometimes very unlikely people reach out to God.
- WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE DEMAND OF ME? “I’m not worshipping your blessing my Lord…just the holy hands that they come from…I want to follow you all of my days.”
- HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE CHANGE THE WAY I RELATE TO PEOPLE? Don’t be surprised when God draws people to himself using displays of his very own work. When God is working the word gets out!
- HOW DOES THIS PASSAGE PROMPT ME TO PRAY? Lord, please give me spiritual eyes to see you at work. Enable me to exercise faith in the work you are always doing.