New Revelations? : Latter Day Saints (Mormons) & Jehovah’s Witnesses April 19, 2023 Ed Earnest church history, denominations RESOURCES:
The Pendulum Swings : Unitarian Universalists, CHristian Science, & Scientology March 29, 2023 Ed Earnest church history, denominations RESOURCES:
Separatist scatter : Congregational, Baptist, & Restoration Movement* March 22, 2023 Ed Earnest church history, denominations *The “Restoration Movement” includes the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, & Church of Christ. RESOURCES:
Signs and Wonders : Apostolic, Pentecostal, Word of Faith & More March 12, 2023 Ed Earnest church history, denominations RESOURCES:
Literagy & Revivalism : AnglicanS, PuritinS, & MethodistS March 8, 2023 Ed Earnest church history, denominations RESOURCES:
Reformation Rumblings : Lutherans, Presbyterians, & Anabaptists February 23, 2023 Ed Earnest denominations RESOURCES:
Growing Influence : Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic February 15, 2023 Ed Earnest church, church history, denominations RESOURCES:
The Apostles & the Early Church February 8, 2023 Ed Earnest apostles, church, church history, denominations Acts, Matthew RESOURCES: